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2024 Conference Programme

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Keynote Theatre
  1. Keynote Theatre
  2. Keynote Theatre
  3. Keynote Theatre
  4. Keynote Theatre
  5. Keynote Theatre
  6. Keynote Theatre
    From a care delivery point of view, we are living through a perpetual winter in NHS hospitals. Historic admissions trends are indeed a thing of history - how do we prepare for the challenges of today ...
  7. Keynote Theatre
Future Surgery Theatre 1
  1. Future Surgery Theatre 1
  2. Future Surgery Theatre 1
    The session "Future Workforce: Supporting Diversity in the Workforce" emphasises the importance of diversity in the surgical profession to enhance innovation, patient care, and team performance. Participants will learn about the benefits of a diverse workforce, identify barriers that underrepresented groups face in surgery, and explore strategies for fostering inclusivity. The session will include discussions on successful initiatives, the role of leadership, and practical steps to promote diversity within surgical teams. The ultimate goal is to empower participants to create a more inclusive and equitable environment in the surgical field.
  3. Future Surgery Theatre 1
    Expert panel discussion on key aspects of robotic and digital surgery
  4. Future Surgery Theatre 1
    The climate and ecological crisis is rapidly unfolding across the Earth with devastating consequences. As healthcare professionals we are have to deal with the outcomes from this, but we are also resp ...
  5. Future Surgery Theatre 1
    There are currently over 500 000 medical devices are registered in UK and EU with 270 000 medical technology companies most of which are SMEs. Multiple challenges exist in relation to lack of effectiv ...
  6. Future Surgery Theatre 1
  7. Future Surgery Theatre 1
  8. Future Surgery Theatre 1
  9. Future Surgery Theatre 1
    Working Better together -  Mentoring and Leadership in the future of Surgery
  10. Future Surgery Theatre 1
  11. Future Surgery Theatre 1
Future Surgery Theatre 2
  1. Future Surgery Theatre 2
  2. Future Surgery Theatre 2
  3. Future Surgery Theatre 2
  4. Future Surgery Theatre 2
    Promoting excellence and maximising delivery of UK day surgery
    This session will provide insights into the importance of day surgery, the benefits to patients, the NHS and surgical sustainability. The challenges to providing effective day surgery services will be ...
  5. Future Surgery Theatre 2
    Despite every effort, mistakes still happen in the complex system that is surgical care. When errors do occur, it is vital that they are properly investigated, that all involved, including patients an ...
  6. Future Surgery Theatre 2
    Extended reality will have an increasingly important role in surgical training. It will improve the efficiency of surgical training and could be used to address the workforce plan. It also has a role ...
  7. Future Surgery Theatre 2
    14% of operations have a complication. Many are preventable. People CAN make lifestyle changes (nutrition, exercise, etc) and this can halve complications and make more people suitable for day case su ...
  8. Future Surgery Theatre 2
    Virtual technology use in surgery is already widespread in training and simulations - but also has applications in planning and performing surgical procedures. These techniques have been shown to lead ...
  9. Future Surgery Theatre 2
Surgical Simulation Theatre
  1. Surgical Simulation Theatre
  2. Surgical Simulation Theatre
    Replicating a fully working, state-of-the-art operating theatre, this theatre displays some of the UK’s best surgeons performing both live and simulated surgery. The theatre is supported by leading su ...
Keynote Theatre
  1. Keynote Theatre
    This session is for everyone keen to improve the future. Despite women being in the majority at medical school for 40 years, there are still low proportions of women in surgery. Recent reports show be ...
  2. Keynote Theatre
    With the growth of extended and advanced practice roles in the perioperative environment it is important to ensure that rota design and training opportunities are carefully planned and coordinated to ...
  3. Keynote Theatre
  4. Keynote Theatre
Future Surgery Theatre 1
  1. Future Surgery Theatre 1
  2. Future Surgery Theatre 1
    Overview of evolution of genomic testing technology and practices in the UK and internationally, and how this impacts current surgical practice.
  3. Future Surgery Theatre 1
  4. Future Surgery Theatre 1
    Optimal models for working as an extended surgical team
    With the growth of extended and advanced practice roles in the perioperative environment it is important to ensure that rota design and training opportunities are carefully planned and coordinated to ...
  5. Future Surgery Theatre 1
    Surgical trainees who use ionising radiation are worried about the associated healthcare risks and would like to know how to mitigate these risks.
  6. Future Surgery Theatre 1
    Mr Mark Henley is the first elected president of the Confederation of British Surgery (CBS) and is actively involved in advocating for the professional and employment interests of surgical teams acros ...
  7. Future Surgery Theatre 1
    30-40 children are waiting on the heart alone transplant list in the UK at any one time, many as long term inpatients on mechanical devices. Mortality is 25%. Concurrently there are child donors across the UK and Europe in which the hearts are not able to be safely recovered. Each year, a number of DBD child donor hearts are unable to be retrieved safely due to the prolonged ischemic time >4 hours and subsequent dysfunction. We describe here our successful experience of utilising HOPE is a 13kg donor to allow 6 hours on the road to the recipient. DCD heart transplant is gaining momentum across the word with the use of normothermic perfusion. This technology has never been suitable for donors <50kg which effectively excludes all child DCD donors from donating their heart. The application of HOPE to this population will permit DCD heart recovery for donors <50kg down to even small infants for the first time with significant implications for donors and recipients and their families.
  8. Future Surgery Theatre 1
  9. Future Surgery Theatre 1
Future Surgery Theatre 2
  1. Future Surgery Theatre 2
  2. Future Surgery Theatre 2
    The climate and ecological crisis is rapidly unfolding across the Earth with devastating consequences. As healthcare professionals we are have to deal with the outcomes from this, but we are also responsible for almost 5% CO2e, and significant resources use, notably single-use items. As surgeons we need to find more sustainable ways of delivering care, and focus on those interventions that are of high quality in terms of patient outcome.
  3. Future Surgery Theatre 2
  4. Future Surgery Theatre 2
  5. Future Surgery Theatre 2
  6. Future Surgery Theatre 2
  7. Future Surgery Theatre 2
    Col Tai will develop this theme through review of contemporary and historical narratives, distilling relevant lessons for academic military surgeons and innovators responsible for delivering better outcomes on the battlefield.
  8. Future Surgery Theatre 2
  9. Future Surgery Theatre 2
  10. Future Surgery Theatre 2
  11. Future Surgery Theatre 2
Surgical Simulation Theatre
  1. Surgical Simulation Theatre
  2. Surgical Simulation Theatre
    Replicating a fully working, state-of-the-art operating theatre, this theatre displays some of the UK’s best surgeons performing both live and simulated surgery. The theatre is supported by leading su ...
*Please note these sessions may be subject to change

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