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Chelliah Selvasekar

Chelliah Selvasekar

Council Member, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
Prof. CR Selvasekar MD, FRCSEd (Gen), MFSTEd, MA (Clin Ed), MBA (Health Executive) is a Consultant General, Colorectal, and Robotic Surgeon at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust in Manchester, M20 4BX. He also serves as the Divisional Medical Director for Clinical Services and specialist Surgery at the same institution and is the Clinical Director at the Manchester Surgical Skills & Simulation Centre. Prof. Selvasekar is an Honorary Clinical Professor at the Faculty of Health, Social Care and Medicine at Edge Hill University and an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Manchester. Trained in the northwest region of the United Kingdom, Prof. Selvasekar completed full-time research at University College London. In 2006, he also completed an international colorectal fellowship at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, USA. Since 2007, Prof. Selvasekar has been a consultant colorectal surgeon with a particular interest in minimal-access surgery. He was instrumental in establishing the laparoscopic colorectal and enhanced recovery program at Leighton Hospital and later moved to The Christie NHS Foundation Trust to set up the minimal access colorectal surgery, including robotics. Prof. Selvasekar has a significant role in education and training within his field. He has been a national trainer through the Lapco program and is a council member of the Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland (ALSGBI). Additionally, he is the robotic lead for the ALSGBI-developed Basic robotic course and is a faculty member for the robotic driving license at the Griffin Institute in London. Currently, Prof. Selvasekar chairs the robotic task and finish group at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, where he is also the convenor for the Essentials in Robotic course. He supports the robotic webinar series nationally and internationally.

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